HMRC warns landlords to disclose earnings

HMRC has warned landlords to disclose their earnings on self assessment tax returns.

The tax authority has clarified the guidance on who can participate in the Let Property Campaign, which is targeted at landlords who owe tax through letting out residential property in the UK or abroad.

Landlords can report previously undisclosed taxes on rental income to HMRC under the Let Property Campaign if they are an individual landlord renting out residential property.

The campaign covers landlords who rent out single or multiple properties, rent out a room in their main home that exceeds the Rent a Room Scheme threshold and holiday lettings.

It is also important to note that, for those living abroad or intending to live abroad for more than six months and renting out a property in the UK, those earnings may still be liable to UK taxes.

Tax must be paid on any profit made from renting out property. The profit is calculated based on the amount left once claims for expenses or allowances have been deducted.

HMRC warned:

'If you're a landlord and have undisclosed income, you must tell HMRC about any unpaid tax now. You'll then have 90 days to work out and pay what you owe. If you do not do this now, and HMRC finds out later, you could get higher penalties or face criminal prosecution.'

Internet link: GOV.UK

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